The life of a not so average girl doing not so average things.

Archive for February, 2012

Cinnamon Girl

Not an apt description of me. For many reasons, but mainly, I don’t particularly care for cinnamon. You know what I do care for? Happy endings.

I know, I know, it’s been far too long since my last post. What can I say? It’s been… interesting around here? To say the very least.

The Nerdmate and I are once again together. It took some time for everyone to cool down about the situation, but it seems to have worked out.

School is going well, I have some extraordinary friends, a wonderful new alliance with My New Best Friend, SAI is flourishing, and I just got hired for two more hours a week of tutoring!

It really is the little things in life that keep a college girl going.  I’m really looking forward to see where things go from here. Something big is just around the corner, I can feel it.

This is not to say things have been butterflies and rainbows in the last few weeks.

For example, I found out that Candler, the seminary I’ve been planning on attending, has removed the program I was interested in. That was frustrating.

BUT it got me really looking at some other schools. Did you know that tuition at Princeton Seminary is about 5k cheaper than tuition here at CMU. Yeah, not kidding. This makes me very excited.

You know what else makes me excited? Elections, specifically in SAI. Yeah, they’re coming up. Like, in the next month or so. Pretty nervous, but I know what I want and I’m going to go for it. That means President, ladies. If the girls don’t think I’m the right girl for the position, that’s ok. But I really think I could do a good job,and I really think I’ve proven that I’m the best candidate.

I’ll leave you with that for now.

Talk at ya later, gators!
